Jun - Strawbs & Daphne

Time To Plant

Stunning Strawberries


Delightful Daphne


Now is the time to plant strawberry crowns and

runners. These are the

dormant parts of the strawberry plant which can be dug up and replanted during winter. 






 Simply plant your strawberry seedling or runner into a position with at least 4 hours of direct sunlight, into good composted soil or good quality potting mix.



 Feed with Fruit & Citrus Food during spring and summer, and protect the flowers and fruits from blackbirds with garden netting.









When fruits are more than 70% red they are good to harvest. Make sure you protect your plants with netting from birds, otherwise you won't have any strawberries at all!



 This shrub is a native of China and Japan, has an exquisite perfume, and is a reasonably hardy evergreen bush. It grows to around 1.5m tall with  leathery, deep green leaves up to 80mm long. From mid-winter on into spring it produces clusters of smal l, starry, pale pink flowers.



 Daphne can be quite particular about soil conditions and can be slightly frost tender in the coldest winter areas.

It thrives in moist, humus enriched soil. Work in plenty of Groganic, it's impossible to use too much.



Feed regularly with Harry's Daphne FoodTrim back lightly after flowering to maintain compact bushy shape.







Full Sun              Part Sun              Full Shade

Low Water Req      Low/Med Water Req  Med/High Water Req          High Water Req